Friday, January 12, 2007

BC on Autism Ep 26: Revisiting Burbacher 2005

There has been a number of people touting this paper yet only a few have really read it. Here's the paper in pictures. In short, only about half of the real experiment was done. I can't speculate why the authors stopped short, but I can say that their decision renders this paper almost worthless.

Running time ~ 10 min

Click here to get the QuickTime version

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At 1/12/2007 12:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is rubish. Why do you waste your time making these meaningless videos?

At 1/12/2007 1:27 PM, Blogger Bartholomew Cubbins said...

So I can have meaningful dialog with someone who can't spell "rubbish". Or did you mean, "radish"?

This is exactly what I'd expect from a non-thinking, knee-jerking reactionary who quotes the titles and abstracts of articles that they've never read.

Try reading the paper and then come back.

At 1/12/2007 3:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is rubish. Why do you waste your time making these meaningless videos?

Speaking of wastes of time...

At 1/12/2007 7:21 PM, Blogger notmercury said...

Rube: (n) yokel, hick, yahoo, hayseed, bumpkin, chawbacon (a person who is not very intelligent or interested in culture)

Rubish: adj. Rube like. Easily conned.

See also Rube Goldberg/Thimerosal hypothesis.

At 1/13/2007 12:02 AM, Blogger Bartholomew Cubbins said...

nm - RG is actually quite appropriate for most low-brow autism research. If it's presented in a complicated enough manner, competence will be assumed.


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