BC on Autism 17: A PCR Primer

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Why do some people find measles virus RNA anywhere they look and then link the MMR to autism?? Hmmmm...
A look at how bad PCR can fuel an MMR conspiracy theory.
running time ~10 min
Luv ya [at 75 cycles, with insufficient product to sequence]
Hey thanks for explaining this in terms we can all understand. Really, really great video tutorial you've put together here.
Armed with this knowledge I can go out and look for (and find) measles every where! Here kitty kitty.
Anyone have an email address for ICDRC? I hear they are looking for a PCR/PR guy. I wonder if Jeff Bradstret will let me scope him or do a lumbar puncture. I mean if it's OK for the kids....
Credentials you say? Why would I need credentials?
Ditto on the Bravo and ditto on the luv. :-)
Can you imagine how many kids have had lumbar punctures and gut endoscopies because of Wakefield, and his merry band of followers?
Here's something about the gel electophoresis part... where the bits of DNA sort themselves out in little black stripes on the gel...
wikipedia has something on gel electrophoresis, too.
I don't know if there's something similar on the web to explain in more detail the fluorescence testing you showed...
thanks all, I hope it helps clear the air. 10 minutes (the youtube limit) is too short for me to get everything in without spending tons of time planning the dialog and editing video.
Sounds like Ward's team had your same suspicions about the PCR skills of certain someones.
Thanks BC, this was very clearly explained. I'd love to hear their clear explanation of why available control measures were not taken.
Hi BC -
Your videos are well done and you obviously know what you are talking about.
I'm curious, could you spend a few minutes explaining to someone in over his head how researchers failing to perform the negative checks you recommend could be reporting measles dna at differing levels in one population than another?
Maybe I watched the video and missed the whole point (?) , but I sort of thought that if your primer was poor, everything would show up as measles, i.e., the controls and the autistics would show up in similar amounts. I suppose flat out data manipulation could be to blame, but are there technical errors that could lead to this?
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