Tuesday, February 21, 2006

BC on Autism Episode 7: Loopy Lupron, a Horrible Mistake or Something Worse?

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A quick look at Kathleen's post on Lupron and some of the characters she describes in the recent effort by some extremists to tie the reduction of testosterone to improving chelation for mercury. It's a huge pile of IFs and sadly, this drug, Lupron, is nothing with which to be experimenting.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Bartholomew Cubbins on Autism Episode 6: The Challenges of a Chelator Part II.5 (mov)

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Just some more disjointed thoughts on the chemistry of chelating for mecury in an autistic person.

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Saturday, February 04, 2006

Bartholomew Cubbins on Autism Episode 5: The Challenges of a Chelator (mov)

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Just a quick and qualitative look at some of the reasons why I believe that conventional chelators will likely have a difficult time binding mercury ions that are bound within cells. Let's not even get into the difference of binding and lifetime kinetics of the different forms of mercury.

For smaller versions of the video and to download the files instead of watching a streaming video, please check out the main file site.

Bartholomew Cubbins on Autism Episode 4: Welcome to NotMercury.blogspot.com (mov)

Watch the Video (pops)

A big welcome to a new blogger to join the ranks of those interested in autism discussion and research.

For smaller (3GP) files and to watch it by downloading rather than streaming, go to the source, right-mouse-click, and have fun!