Guilt: It's the Arrogance of Me versus the Acceptance of We

I've swung hi and low on the cure / notcure scale and on the who and/or what made my kid autistic scale. What I've come to realize that the only way to be at peace is to accept, which is not synonymous to giving up on someone.
I'm using this as a preview before tomorrow's blogging about murder.
/hiatus complete
Hey BC,
I can only watch the first 30 seconds or so of the video, is it just me?
hmmmmm. just you I think. maybe try again? I changed the title so the autism hub would like it better than giving me an "=" sign, but the feed hasn't quite synched with the hub yet.
So glad you're back from hiatus!
Hey, welcome back BC. I expected to hear something from the "Squirrel Nut Zippers" toward the end :-)
thanks all
NM - that'd be appropriate although it makes me wince.
Glad you're back! Sounds like you have something big on deck for tomorrow.
Man that just made me laugh.
Nuts to them indeed!
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