Bartholomew Cubbins on Autism Episode 1

A detailed look at Burbacher et al, EHP 2005
Comparison of blood and brain mercury levels in infant monkeys exposed to methylmercury or vaccines containing thimerosal.
As a scientist and a parent of a child on the spectrum, I wear many hats thoughout the day. I believe the pursuit of understanding the roots of autism and other neurological disorders affecting children to be one of the most important things one might do with their professional and free time. Comments and debate are welcome, abuse is not.
This is great. I appreciate you taking the time to explain the Burbacher paper with graphs and everything.
Small question/critique... weren't the monkey's (macacques) given IM injections of thimerosal? You said IV on the video. I'm too lazy to look it up in the paper myself. Also, the kind of monkey is pronounced "REE-suss"
More pendantry: for those who might not know. the "Rh" in "Rh factor" (the plus or minus after the letter, e.g. A-) in blood typing comes from name of Rhesus macacques. Strange but true.
V. Shee Swahz: Quoting Ed McMahon, "You are correct, sir!"
Thanks for the feedback/pointers/help. I had a bit of trouble getting feedback prior to launch, so it's here up for inspection, warts and all.
Hey, Cool! Very nice analysis and nice to see the high tech whiteboard illustrations :-)
I was expecting more of a Seussian cadence to the commentary though:
Here they used cold flame AA,
coupled to a diode array.
macaque au vin homogenate,
more data to extrapolate....
"macaque au vin"
Am I a bad person because I laughed really hard at that?
Oh well. My penance is doing another paper... wait, that's fun!
I was actually thinking of doing an imabic pentameter thing, but it's waaaaaay too much work. I'm Joe Friday about the thing - just the facts, ma'am (although that's been snopes'ed)
Excellent BC. I laughed,I cried, this is definitely the feel-good detailed look at a paper of the year!
I especially appreciated your "Take Home Message" summaries of each section. Please don't ever consider skipping those in future episodes.
I know this is going to sound like a totally random question, but is there any chance you could post transcripts of the audio for any of these videos? I'm an autistic with auditory processing disorder, and find it much easier to process written language than spoken...
Hi Codeman, Sorry, I've been distracted. I'll work on a transcript. I'm lazy and it's something that I've been meaning to do. btw, your site is *really* nice.
Thank you for going over my uncle's work. It is es[ecially critical that I go over and understand his work, being a pediatric nurse and all. I hope to see more support in his work and letting parents know they have a choice for the vaccines they give their children.
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